King Kong falling off the Empire State Building

This animated gif appeared in Slate some time ago, I love it:

The Norwegian Association for the Blind is an even funnier group than their name might suggest

A couple of years ago, Believer1 embedded a short video here from the Norwegian Association for the Blind.  It was hilarious, as is this video, produced around the same time, making it clear why people shouldn’t bother service dogs while they’re on the job:

The Believer’s service dog is an important part of our family; when the three of us are out on the town, people sometimes ask me when it’s appropriate to pet him.  I tell them, first, that the key thing is to ask her permission before paying any attention to her dog.  I then compare him to a dentist.  If a dentist was drilling your teeth, you wouldn’t want someone to wander into the room and start rubbing your dentist’s head and shoulders, exclaiming “What a good dentist!”  If you can understand why it would be wrong to do that, you should be able to understand why it is wrong to interrupt a service dog on the job.

A Funny Moment

Table of Contents

No, these aren’t questions about people such as Margaret Fell Fox and George Fox. 


They are questions about Quaker Parrots like the one pictured here.

   “A” and I laughed long and hard the first time we read these questions, because we could not help but think of our human Quaker friends, such as myself, as we read them. 

Colin Newman; The Residents; Vinnie-P

Dolphins Are People Too!

Dolphins, like non-human primates, are starting to gain “people rights.”

Cat Roombas Dog

This video is everywhere else, so it may as well be here too!

Working Dogs

I would like to take this opportunity to give a shout out to CCI.  They have been training assistance dogs for mor than 30 years.  I have received two assistance dogs from them both of which made it possible (one is still making it possible) for me to lead a happy, productive life.  I do not take the training of service dogs lightly.  I just thought the video was cute.


Merry Christmas Early!!  ‘A’ got me an ALF doll for christmas.  I love it.  I have wanted one since I was a kid.  My advice to all this season is to find a way to reconnect with a good childhood memory.  It’s wonderful and very healing. as well  as,  refreshing for the heart and sprit.  I miss the ALF show.  It was cute and funny.  I wonder if any of the 100s of TV channels show reruns.  I have not found them yet. 

Here Kity Kity. 

A generous bird

I have a lot of hats.  One of them is a walking hat by Hanna Hats of Donegal, Ireland.  I’m quite fond of it, not least because it was a gift from my father.

When I received this hat, it had a feather in its band.  I was sad when I lost that feather two weeks ago; it hadn’t really matched the hat very well, but it was part of it, and a replacement was in order.  So whenever I was among trees, I kept looking at the ground, trying to find another feather. 

Yesterday, I found one.  It matched the hat much better than the original had done.  Unfortunately I don’t have any pictures of the old feather, but here are shots of the new one:


In place



On its own

I can only surmise that some bird with the right plumage, a generous heart, and a highly developed aesthetic sense saw my featherless hat and decided to make a donation.  I’m very grateful.

Crushie moves into the Acilius-Believer1 household

Hi all,

I am sorry I have not been on the blog lately.  I usually am sick of computers by the time I am free.

I really want to share this video of our newest family member enjoying a swim.  He was given to us by a really good friend.  He is definitely a gift that keeps on giving, in a good way.  Enjoy!

Crushie’s first swim