Funny Times, June 2008/ July 2008

A couple of notable bits in these two issues-

June- Lenore Skenazy, founder of Free Range Kids (  explains “Why I let my 9-year-old ride the subway alone.”  Apparently lots of horrified parents demanded to know how she would feel if her son were abducted while out alone in the city.  She told them about statistics showing how safe NYC is these days, and how rare child-abduction is.  I couldn’t help but wonder which is less rare, abduction of children out on their own or violent home invasions.  For all I know the kid might face less danger of attack by strangers while wandering alone through Alphabet City than he would sitting in his own living room.   The column is funny, and so doesn’t treat that question. 

July- Dave Maleckar’s “100 Word Rant” is titled “brain brain what is brain”- some guys over 35 will recognize the reference (

It’s not quite a slab of granite,

but maybe Lefalcon will appreciate it nonetheless.

A woman with a bizarre fetish for inaninimate objects has revealed she has been married to the Berlin Wall for 29 years.

Eija-Riitta Berliner-Mauer, 54, whose surname means Berlin Wall in German, wed the concrete structure in 1979 after being diagnosed with a condition called Objectum-Sexuality.

Mrs Berliner-Mauer, whose fetish is said to have its roots in childhood, claimed she fell in love with the structure when she first saw it on television when she was seven.

Click to read more.

Bow Tie of the Week

The Rise of Big Ukulele

Tuesday the Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain was interviewed on BBC Radio 4.  Here’s the link.

Sunday they were the topic of a piece in The Express

Victoria Vox Loves You

That’s the new title of her website, and listening to her new album (posted there for free!) you’ll find it hard not to love her back.

Her myspace page is good too-

And she’s got some terrific performances up on youtube- here’s one example:

Muslim women’s dress

Our own Lefalcon examines the Quran and Hadith to find out how Muslim women are supposed to dress.  He raises some interesting questions along the way; I came away from it thinking that the Quran sounds a lot like Immanuel Kant, at least as regards the place of rule-governed activity in ethical life.

Negative numbers can be confusing
