Which is Mukalla?

A Google Images search for “Mukalla, Yemen” produced one of these pictures.  Can you guess which one?


Stylish Neckwear

If you guessed “The stylish piece of neckwear,” you are wrong!

Long live the blog!

Lefalcon, how are things in Mukalla?  It sounds like quite a change from Aden. 

Monday night I attended a meeting of Ball State’s Orthodox Christian Fellowship.  As you recall, I’d attended once last year and had been meaning to go back.  Someone I hadn’t seen there before asked me if I was an Orthodox Christian.  No, I said, I’m a Quaker.  This was a bit of an exaggeration; I haven’t joined the Friends Church yet, but am planning to do so.  This drew a puzzled look.  “I’m very comfortable with Quakerism and can’t imagine being anything but a Quaker, and that’s precisely why I want to learn more about Orthodoxy.  I want to make sure that I’m not just looking for an excuse for being the sort of person I already am.”  “Well, Quakerism and Orthodoxy are certainly opposite ends of the sprectrum.”  I agreed.  For example, the Orthodox always tend towards the most elaborate possible liturgical forms, while Quaker liturgy consists of sitting still.  

At any rate, the theme of that meeting was  the New Year.  Because 1 September is New Year’s day in the liturgical calendar of the Orthodox Church.  In that spirit, I declare my New Year’s resolution to be posting more stuff on this blog.

An email I sent to P, in which I critiqued your least-favorite blogger

P-funk has been sending me emails lately with his views on society and class in Brazil, a topic whereupon my ignorance is almost total.  So I keep trying to change the subject.  Something he said yesterday reminded me of a recent posting on Steve Sailer’s blog, so I took the opportunity to introduce him to that site and my reservations about it.  With P’s permission, I copy the message below.   (more…)

The Imp of the Perverse

Keith Knight on an odd psychological phenomenon.


beer commercial

Have you ever wondered what it would have been like if Salvador Dali and Luis Bunuel had collaborated on a beer commercial?  Neither have I.  But somebody has- look at this Stella Artois spot.


Twin Critters

One of the more disgusting things I’ve been involved in here, has been killing rats.  The title “twin critters” refers to a small pair, caught in my house last night.  It was a “live capture.”

I don’t set up rat traps, for this reason:  You will definitely catch a rat.  This opens us all kinds of issues, like, what will you do with (or to) it?

Naturally, somebody walked by their little cage and sprayed them with Raid.  Why kill them when you can just douse them with insecticide and watch them suffer?

Rats are repulsive, and I really don’t care if they get killed.  But even these foul little creatures deserve a merciful swift death.

I was so grossed out by these miserable, Raid-dripping little rats.  They had no prospect that anybody would “process” them for many hours.

So I filled a garbage can with water and drowned them.  What is really gross is, they could still be submerged.  (I was in a hurry and didn’t have time to drive them to the dump.)

Hopefully someone has finished their processing, by now.  As I indicated above, I don’t set up these traps, because I don’t care to deal with the processing.