Occupations in which people are somewhat more likely than average to wear bowties

Filling what was, in retrospect, an obvious gap, I’ve started a tumblelog called “Occupations in which people are somewhat more likely than average to wear bow ties.”

Non-Virtual WABAC Machine


For the next time somebody calls “no do-overs.”

This WayBackMachine may be easier to operate.

If I Were a Carpenter- Johnny & June Carter Cash

We Interrupt this “Best of” Marathon to Toast the Marriage of 2 Thunderlads!

Love Songs for the Happy Quakers
How Soon Is Now?- Morrissey
More Than This- Roxy Music
Escape- Rupert Holmes

Lonely Swedish (The Bum Bum Song)- Tom Green

* Grazing in the Grass- The Friends of Distinction * * Stoned Soul Picnic- The Fifth Dimension *

2 great songs that sound great together

Song for a Future Generation- the B-52s

Inaugural ties

On the big day

On the big day

Boxing Day

Referee Micky Vann ends a fight between  Amir Khan and Martin Kristjansen, 5 April 2008:

Micky Vann

Micky Vann

Referee Ian St. John steps in between Kevin Mitchell and Carl Johanneson, 9 March 2008:

Ian St John

Ian St John


Referee Raul Caiz Jr separates Bernard Hopkins and Howard Eastman, 19 Feb 2005:

Raul Caiz, Jr.

Raul Caiz, Jr.


How to tie a bow tie

Yesterday afternoon a friend of mine asked me how to tie a bow tie.  Since I didn’t have a bow tie with me, I couldn’t show him, and it isn’t the sort of thing you can express very well in words alone.  We went on youtube and found this instructional video.  We wound up watching it three times, mainly because we were fascinated by the expression on the face of the man around whose neck the knot is being made.   

As I was getting dressed this morning, I chose a bowtie.  I tried to tie it as this video recommends, since this is clearly superior to the way I have been using.  Muscle memory defeated me- I kept starting it the new way, then switching in mid-move back to my old way, and ending up with at most half a knot.  I’ll have to train myself to get in the habit of doing it right.