Tweets of the Week: 19-25 March 2023

These have been in my Bookmarks for a while.

Classics-themed tweets:

  1. Legonium shares Sasha Trubetskoy’s Metro-style map of Roman roads:

2. Cristina Procaccino shows us how a native speaker might teach first conjugation Latin verbs:

3. Bret Devereaux’ T/O of the Roman Republic:

Religion-themed tweets:

4. “Manifestly Lutheran” defends infant baptism:

5. Jack Chick lays some truth on you:

6. And asks the tough questions:

Politics-themed tweets:

7. My prediction about the 2020 US presidential campaign:

8. Josh Fruhlinger’s prediction about the 2024 US presidential campaign:

Miscellaneous tweets:

9. A map of Superman’s hometown, Metropolis:

10. Richard Nixon telling you that it’s just plain poppycock:

11. Paul A. Jones tells us what a “trinonym” is:

12. Something that makes Audrey Farnsworth happy come Halloween:

13. Matthew Goldin on the divide between straights and gays:

14. She was trying to say “contestant”:

15. Fabrizio Gilardi shares a study that calls into question the idea that anonymity is a driver of toxicity in online debates: