The UOGB (or a piece of it) plays “I’m Gonna Be”

I’ve been looking for this clip for quite a while now.  The Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain (well, four members of the Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain, and someone else) plays The Proclaimers‘ “I’m Gonna Be” on the BBC.

UPDATE: The “someone else” is Leisa Rea of “Adams & Rea.”


  1. cymast

     /  April 8, 2009

    A very Mr. & Mrs. Believer song!

  2. acilius

     /  April 9, 2009

    It is a nice song, and very wedding-y.

  3. cymast

     /  April 10, 2009

    I’ve long thought the most romantic and meaningful gesture a groom and bride can do at their wedding/reception is sing to each other. Especially if one or both don’t normally sing.

  4. acilius

     /  April 11, 2009

    Did you and Mr Cymast sing to each other at your wedding?

  5. cymast

     /  April 11, 2009

    I knew you were gonna ask that- no we did not. Singing did not fit our personalities and did not fit the theme of the ceremony. But I can totally imagine the groom and bride singing at the Acilius wedding- a definite fit.

  6. cymast

     /  April 11, 2009

    I’m really not familiar with Christian music, especially not Christian love songs . . do they even exist? Isn’t Christian music all about Jesus and being a sinner . . ?

  7. acilius

     /  April 11, 2009

    “Christian” is a pretty broad term, don’t you think? How many generalizations can you really make that will apply to a group that includes so many people scattered so widely in time and space?

    It’s like “Islam.” The late Edward Said used to argue that the term “Islam” applies to such a wide variety of people, practices, and societies that it is virtually useless. Christianity is if anything more varied and less definable than Islam.

    As for music, there’s been a lot of music composed in the last couple of thousand years that could be called “Christian” in one way or another. Any number of distinct musical traditions have emerged in the Christian world, many of which are alive and well.

  8. acilius

     /  April 11, 2009

    I don’t think a duet would fit our plans either. The ceremony will be brief and simple. A duet would be really startling.

  9. cymast

     /  April 11, 2009

    I’m talking about the here and now when I use the term “Christian.” Not decades ago, not off in the future. Contemporary mainstream Christian music. The kind I and most people today would recognize as “Christian music.” I think my generalization holds in this case.

  10. acilius

     /  April 11, 2009

    “I and most people today would recognize as “Christian music.”” No idea what that would be. About half of all the world’s Christians are Roman Catholic- do you mean RC church music? That’s a pretty diverse category by itself, it isn’t standardized like it was before the 60s.

  11. cymast

     /  April 11, 2009

    “The here”- USA. “The now”- today. “Contemporary mainstream”- popular Christian music radio.

  12. acilius

     /  April 11, 2009

    Oh. If that’s what you meant, I don’t feel so bad for not having understood you. You can hardly blame me for failing to make the leap from “Christian music” to “music currently featured on certain radio networks in the USA.”

  13. cymast

     /  April 11, 2009

    I’m glad you don’t feel bad. I just thought the most easily accessible definition of a term would be the one assumed unless otherwise specified.

  14. acilius

     /  April 11, 2009

    I do have a brother who works in radio, so that might be the most easily accessible definition for him, at least when he had work on his mind. Then again, he also works for an airline, so he might sometimes think of “Christian music” as music anyone who doesn’t identify as Christian would fly around the world to escape hearing.

  15. cymast

     /  April 11, 2009

    That’s funny! I identify “Christian music” as fitting both the above definitions. Maybe it’s my Church of God College experience.

  16. acilius

     /  April 11, 2009

    Maybe! All I know about the Church of God is that someone I knew in college said that her hometown, Anderson, Indiana, was “all chogged up,” meaning that it was dominated by the Worldwide Church of God. So when I hear of the Church of God, I think, “all chogged up.”

  17. cymast

     /  April 11, 2009

    I don’t know about the rest of Anderson, but the campus was certainly chogged. A whole lotta chog goin’ on. Very chogful.

  18. acilius

     /  April 11, 2009

    Chock-a-block with chog-talk, eh?

    And “chog” rhymes with “trog,” as in the Troggs, who sang “Wild Thing.” “Wild chog, you make my heart slog, you make everything… moody.”

  19. cymast

     /  April 12, 2009

    You may roll your eyes at again at this, but yesterday, from you, was the first time I had heard of “chog.” And then I thought it was a word your Anderson friend had invented- because I didn’t see it at So I googled it. CHurch Of God (just so you know I now know.) Well I never said I was in any loop.

    And I may be misinformed about other things. Would you say Easter is known as a “Christian” holiday? Now I know the traditions are borrowed and adapted and evolved and all that, but that’s not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about pairing “Easter” and “Christian.” I’m not trying to generalize “Christian” again, I’m simply parroting what I’ve heard all my life . .

    And speaking of generalizing, what would *you* call someone who believes in Jesus and being a sinner? Anything?

  20. acilius

     /  April 12, 2009

    I wondered if “chog” was familiar slang in Church of God circles.

    Sure, Easter is a Christian holiday. And unlike some, I think that terms like “Christianity” and “Islam” are useful. They don’t have a huge amount of content, but I think they do have some.

  21. cymast

     /  April 12, 2009 is the official Church of God website. I tried clicking on the link several times yesterday but it kept crashing my computer.

  22. acilius

     /  April 12, 2009

    Wow, sounds like the site must be cursed. Or have a bug. Either way, I wouldn’t visit it.

  23. cymast

     /  April 12, 2009

    I found a . . um . . “Christian” song that does not mention Jesus/God or being a sinner. Actually, I asked on another forum. “Looking for Angels” by Skillet. So I found the answer to my question, and we can all sleep better tonight.

  24. acilius

     /  April 12, 2009

    Sounds great!